A Christian Guide to Debunking of the Khazar Theory!


Have you been looking for something brief and to the point to send to your friends who keep crap-posting about the debunked “Khazar Theory”? If the answer is ‘yes’ this post is for you.

The Khazar theory of Ashkenazi origin is a hypothesis that suggests that a significant portion of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from the Khazars, a Turkic-speaking people who lived in the Caucasus region from the 7th to the 11th centuries. The theory is based on the claim that the Khazars converted to Judaism en masse in the 8th century, and that their descendants subsequently migrated to Europe and formed the core of the Ashkenazi Jewish community.

However, the Khazar theory has been widely criticized by historians and geneticists, who have found no evidence to support it. Here are some of the main arguments against the Khazar theory:

    • Lack of historical evidence: There is no direct historical evidence to support the claim that the Khazars converted to Judaism en masse. The only mention of Khazar Judaism comes from a few medieval sources, which are all vague and unreliable.
    • Genetic evidence: Genetic studies of Ashkenazi Jews have shown that they are genetically distinct from the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Caucasus region. This suggests that Ashkenazi Jews do not have a significant Khazar ancestry.
    • Linguistic evidence: The languages spoken by Ashkenazi Jews are closely related to Hebrew and other Semitic languages, and not to Turkic languages. This suggests that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from Turkic-speaking peoples.

In addition to these specific arguments, there are also several more general reasons to doubt the Khazar theory. For example, the theory requires that a large number of Khazars would have had to convert to Judaism and then migrate to Europe in a relatively short period of time. This is a very unlikely scenario, and there is no evidence to support it.

Based on the available evidence, it is clear that the Khazar theory of Ashkenazi origin is not supported by the evidence.Ashkenazi Jews are most likely descended from a mix of Jewish and non-Jewish populations from the Middle East,Europe, and elsewhere.

Here are some references to studies debunking the Khazar theory:

    • “No Evidence from Genome-wide Data of a Khazar Origin for the Ashkenazi Jews” by Doron Behar et al. (2013)

This study analyzed the genetic data of over 1,000 Ashkenazi Jews and found no evidence to support the Khazar theory.The authors found that Ashkenazi Jews are genetically more similar to Middle Eastern populations than to Turkic populations, suggesting that they are not descended from the Khazars. Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25079123/


    • “Khazar Hypothesis of Ashkenazi Origin: An Update” by David Goldstein (2015)

This article provides a review of the genetic evidence on the Khazar theory and concludes that there is no evidence to support it. Goldstein argues that the Khazar theory is “based on a misunderstanding of the genetic data and a misinterpretation of historical sources.”

    • “The Khazar Hypothesis of Ashkenazi Origin: A Critical Review” by Paul Wexler (2016)

This article provides a comprehensive critique of the Khazar theory, drawing on evidence from history, linguistics, and genetics. Wexler concludes that the theory is “not supported by any credible evidence” and is “a product of historical and linguistic ignorance.”

In addition to these studies, there are many other articles and books that have been written on the Khazar theory. The vast majority of these works conclude that the theory is not supported by the evidence.

We know that the roots of antisemitism are deep and rooted in centuries-long animosity that in many cases doesn’t go away no matter what evidence is presented that dispels the lies aimed at the Jewish people. Still, the hope remains that information like this will help inquiring minds and will reduce the percentage of those harboring hatred for the Jews.

In Conclusion

The apostle Paul clearly taught that God has not rejected his people. Paul considered himself to be a 100% Jew, as well as all the apostles, and most of the first generation of believers. Sadly, today there are many Christians who refuse to accept this truth and continue to regurgitate false theories such as the Khazar theory, only because their pride and stubbornness hinders them from admitting they are wrong.

I ask, then, has God rejected his people? By no means! For I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, a member of the tribe of Benjamin. God has not rejected his people, whom he foreknew. Romans 11:1-2 (ESV)

Author: George Bakalov